The journey to fulfillment begins with introspecting, risk taking, and most of all knowledge of and then faith in one's own unique combination of strengths.
~ Jenifer Fox, The Strengths Movement

This is a place where you are encouraged to do the work of naming and claiming your unique strengths. Sorry, I can't help you with this homework. Only you know you.

Completing some of the Career Assessments  will get you started in discovering your unique areas of strength. Pay attention to patterns that you notice - things that seem true of you on a consistent basis. What you are looking for is not only things you do well but things you LOVE to do.

Believe it or not, all this work of self discovery can end up on 1 Piece of Paper. By reflecting on and prioritizing the activities you love to do, your values, interests etc. all your hard work can be narrowed down to fit a 1 Piece of Paper. Your own words and images will motivate you, give you direction in life and keep you working in your strengths.

Richard Bolles' Job Hunter's Bible website is a great resource.
Parker Palmer, Author of article The Hero Within, and his book, Let Your Life Speak, says the following:

Have many conversations about career goals. Pay close attention to recurring themes... your passions and values will surface. Reflect on moments when you are most proud of yourself, interests you are most committed to and activities you find to be the most engaging. You can focus, simplify and motivate your life by examining what you love to do now. Your inner hero embodies your values and attributes and are born from your experiences and finds purpose in the activities you enjoy.
Follow your heart. This is where it all begins. Ask some honest and maybe challenging questions about what you want to achieve for yourself. When you follow your heart you have the best chance of waking up in the morning and looking forward to going to work.
Some resources/check-list that might get you moving in your life.  Think of a friend who is a great listener and can speak some truth into your life... maybe that friend could be your Accountability Partner for awhile.